At Littlebay, we require all families to follow a limited vaccination schedule. There is an incredible amount of information out there about vaccines and their side effects. We know now that they can pose some serious risks to our companions, especially Tollers. Vaccines can have very many serious side effects, including autoimmune disorders, epilepsy, encephalitis, allergies, behavior problems, digestive disorders, cancer and death. With the Toller breed we have to be particularly careful, as they pose higher risk of vaccine-related problems than the average dog. Even with this vaccination protocol, your dog will receive all core vaccines it needs. According to the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, the four core vaccines are distemper, parvovirus, hepatitis, and rabies.
Before the puppies head home, they will be given a 3 in 1 vaccination (distemper, adenovirus type 2 (hepatitis), and parvovirus) at 8-9 weeks old. Once puppies go home, Littlebay suggests following Dr. Jean Dodds vaccination schedule. The 2016 looks like:
9-10 weeks of age
Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV
14 – 15 weeks of age
Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV
18 weeks of age
Parvovirus only, MLV
Note: New research states that last puppy parvovirus vaccine should be at 18 weeks old.
20 weeks or older, if allowable by law
Rabies – give 3-4 weeks apart from other vaccines
Mercury-free (thimerosol-free, TF)
1 year
Distemper + Parvovirus, MLV
This is an optional booster or titer. If the client intends not to booster after this optional booster or intends to retest titers in another three years, this optional booster at puberty is wise.
1 year
Rabies – give 3-4 weeks apart from other vaccines
3-year product if allowable by law; mercury-free (TF)
There is no need for annual boosters. If in doubt whether your dog is protected, have a blood titre run for their immunity, otherwise, trust that their immune system is doing its job. The practice of giving annual vaccinations is a practice developed by the vaccine manufacturers. Vaccinations don't suddenly "expire" after a year. Once immunity exists, it persists for years or life. More immunity cannot be added to an already immune dog, and vaccination regularly increases the risk for chronic disease. Titre tests can be ran to check for adequate immune levels by the way of a blood sample.
We do not reccommend the routine vaccination for kennel cough as it is not an effective vaccine. There are many strains of these bacteria/viruses and the vaccine only covers 3 strains (bordetella, adenovirus type 1, parainfluenza). As kennel cough is highly contagious and airborne, it is easily passed around in places where there is a high concentration of dogs. This illness is generally mild and although they may not feel great, a little in-home TLC goes a long way.
For more information:
Are you vaccinating your dog too much? (dogs naturally vaccine guide: Dr Ronald Schultz)